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PSS-Mag 10-31-2018 11:12 AM

Dies on right turn at 3/8 tank or less
Another strange one for this 2000 blazer.
as title says, when gas tank is at 3/8 or less then it does when you make a right hand turn. Just dies like it ran out of gas but starts right back up.
Started out only doing it at 1/4 tank which I always kept it above that. I got a driving range of about 220-230 miles per tank with that. Now that it's moved up to 3/8-1/2 tank. Then only get about 180 miles per fill up. I don't like stopping that often. Lol

I'm going to try changing the fuel filter first but not expecting that's it. I know it needs to be done and just maybe I'll get lucky.

Open to any ideas at all. Thanks in advance.

error_401 11-04-2018 09:16 AM

sending unit bad? gives an inaccurate indication?

How does the gauge look when you fill it up completely and how much fuel does go in?

PSS-Mag 11-05-2018 07:45 AM

Gauge goes to full when fill it up.

Yesterday it died at half tank when coming to a stop. Went to gas station put in 10.596 gallons and had got 190.7 miles out of it. So should have been 7-8 more gallons or so in the tank when it died. Probably not perfectly accurate, it is a Chevy and S10 series on top of ot, they aren't known for complete accurate. Or at least I've never had one. Lol
but with 7 gallons left, it should run on that.

Fuel filter did not fix it.
It's going in the shop this week.

PSS-Mag 12-11-2019 08:39 PM


It was the fuel pump.
luckily I took it back to the shop that put it in for me and it was barely still covered under warranty but still covered.

error_401 12-12-2019 05:13 AM

Glad you got that figured and even better replaced under warranty.

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