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HelpWitBlazerPLZ 02-16-2011 01:05 PM

Fuel pump relay issues... 911!!!
I am a die hard chevy fan and I have just recently bought a 96 blazer with high mileage for 800 bucks. The previous owner said that the fuel pump was recently replaced and the fuel level gauge was actually stuck on half full. The other day when I was driving the vehicle I heard a loud clicking noise comming from the fuel pump relay under the dash, it was only clicking during acceleration and the engine was also surging/bucking during acceleration. During operation this does not happen when I was at a steady speed only during acceleration the engine would start "bucking" and the relay would start clicking like a machine gun, I also noticed that the fuel gauge went from stuck on half to stuck on past full. After driving the vehicle back home i attempted to park it and it idles up even with my foot off the accelerator, and now it will only start up with the relay clicking the whole time, idle up and down, then it will stall out. I replaced the relay and checked for any loose connections and I am still having the same problem. Right before this started to happen I also ran over a small curb but it didn't do any physical damage to the truck besides the fact that it stalled out and tranny fluid started leaking out by the tranny dip stick, not sure where though and if it is related to this problem because the relay didn't start acting up until after I parked the truck and started looking for this "leak" I had in. The engine compartment. I hope this doesn't sound too confusing but I tried to explain it as thouroughly as possble. I am young and I need this truck for school and work and I also have some automotive education. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

swartlkk 02-16-2011 04:35 PM

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