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PaulO2288 05-21-2010 12:52 PM

Octane Questions...Lol
Alright obviously we can tell the difference between 87, 89, 91, 93, etc. I know Race gas can get up to 110 octane etc. I was wondering how does Nitrous, Alcohol and Nitrometh even compare to octane levels? Like i know the output and the combustability is insanely different, But just wondering on how if there was an octane rateing on how they would be numbered to figure out the difference.

Ex. (Made up numbers) You have 93, then Race Gas (110) Nitrous? Alcohol (130) and Nitro(145-150?) Just an idea

swartlkk 05-21-2010 07:56 PM

Nitrous is not a fuel. It is a liquid N2O (two nitrogen atoms & one oxygen atom) when under pressure. When it is released into the atmosphere, it releases combustion supporting oxygen. More oxygen into the cylinder combined with more fuel and you get more power.

Now, Nitromethane isn't on any of the octane charts because it isn't setup like the other fuels in terms of its chemical make up. It is said to have a octane rating of 75, but on what scale (RON, MON, AKI), I do not know.

As far as the alcohols go; Ethanol has an AKI rating of 122 while Methanol is 119.

AKI is what the US uses and is the average of the RON & MON values. That's where you'll see the R+M/2 on the pumps.

PaulO2288 05-22-2010 12:09 AM

Ohhh, But in reality as in an order it would go, pump gas, race gas, alcohol, and then nitrometh?

I also understand the whole nitrous thing now, just wondering how to figure it out to get an idea on maybe strength rating.

swartlkk 05-22-2010 09:04 AM

Yeah, that's the general order in terms of power potential. You have to be doing a lot of things differently when you step up to the alcohols and definitely nitromethane.

PaulO2288 05-22-2010 10:29 AM

Originally Posted by swartlkk (Post 332016)
Yeah, that's the general order in terms of power potential. You have to be doing a lot of things differently when you step up to the alcohols and definitely nitromethane.

Oh yeah i bet! Thanks for your help i appreciate it

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