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Spectreblazer 01-09-2010 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by murderedblazer93 (Post 285055)
alright, cause im just barely keeping warm in this winter with like luke warm heat from the defrosters and the heated seats haha. but thanks a lot, it's a huge help. im just hoping that'll work because the next thing on the list is the heater core :/ and thats a bit pricey hahaha

i overfilled mine a little. also try touching it off at about 5000 rpm like get to 5 then let right off might free up some stuff.

murderedblazer93 01-09-2010 09:14 PM

alright i'll deffinately try that, thanks a lot. you've been a big help haha

Spectreblazer 01-09-2010 09:19 PM

yup no problem. hope it fixes it. hope its not a heater core. heater cores are a "female dog" to replace..

murderedblazer93 01-09-2010 09:24 PM

oh so i've heard haha

AJBert 01-09-2010 09:30 PM

Have you checked to see if you have coolant flowing through the heater core? With the engine up to temp (you still have stated what temp you are at now) grab a hold of the two heater hoses. One should be a bit warmer than the other. This is sounding more of an engine temp/no flow through the core than anything else with what you have posted.

Both hoses should be fairly close in temp to each other. If there is a big temp difference between the two then you have no flow through the core. If both are relatively cool then you are either not getting flow to/from the block or your engine is not up to temp.

murderedblazer93 01-10-2010 05:43 PM

well when i did the flush both hoses were fairly close to the same temp

blazeitupdrgonzo 01-10-2010 06:25 PM

Hey I am having the exact same problems with my 2004 Blazer, the heater is barely blowing any heat out of the vents. A friend told me to try and flush out my heater core with a water hose but im not sure where to hook it up. My engine temp guage has not changed since before the problem started. Does that mean that i just need to flush out the heater core? Please help before it gets colder again. This is my only vehical at the moment.

Spectreblazer 01-10-2010 06:35 PM

Originally Posted by murderedblazer93 (Post 285055)
alright, cause im just barely keeping warm in this winter with like luke warm heat from the defrosters and the heated seats haha. but thanks a lot, it's a huge help. im just hoping that'll work because the next thing on the list is the heater core :/ and thats a bit pricey hahaha

you try "drop flushing it" touchen it off at 5000 rpms?

blazeitupdrgonzo 01-10-2010 06:48 PM

I know your not talking to me spectreblazer but what is "drop flushing"?

Spectreblazer 01-10-2010 07:40 PM

Originally Posted by blazeitupdrgonzo (Post 285334)
I know your not talking to me spectreblazer but what is "drop flushing"?

my way of saying running the blazer up to 5000 rpms and as soon as it gets there let right off the throttle off the way. some times cleans out crap in the heater core that water pressure will not if you have already tried flushing it out.

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