Whhats your favorite music vid?
Mine is probably this one also possibly my fav. currently and my ring tone on my phonehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fVE8kSM43I&ob=av2e
I have been known to drive my kids nuts with it on the radio and have to get my neck adjusted afterwords. Nothing used to beat a good PIT.
I have been known to drive my kids nuts with it on the radio and have to get my neck adjusted afterwords. Nothing used to beat a good PIT.
Last edited by DKSDAD; 09-11-2010 at 11:55 PM.
I don't know who taught you that 'history' lesson, but there is no truth to your statement. The unedited/uncensored song was played by several radio stations and the album was available at your favorite music store. We even did a cover of it at a couple of our Jr High dances and nobody objected.
I don't really have a favorite music video...too many to choose from...
I don't really have a favorite music video...too many to choose from...
*I have removed a couple of videos from this thread due to the language in them. Just because this section is 'The Lounge' does not mean the rules are off.*
The misunderstanding may come from the fact that The Guess Who was invited to play at a dinner function in the White House during Nixon's administration with the proviso that they not play 'American Woman' due to its supposed anti-American theme. They graciously complied. As you said, the full version could be widely heard on FM stations in the early 70's.
I don't know who taught you that 'history' lesson, but there is no truth to your statement. The unedited/uncensored song was played by several radio stations and the album was available at your favorite music store. We even did a cover of it at a couple of our Jr High dances and nobody objected...
I don't know who taught you that 'history' lesson, but there is no truth to your statement. The unedited/uncensored song was played by several radio stations and the album was available at your favorite music store. We even did a cover of it at a couple of our Jr High dances and nobody objected.
I don't really have a favorite music video...too many to choose from...
I don't really have a favorite music video...too many to choose from...
Anyway, I have so many music videos classed as "favourites" Here's another one:
I grew up listening to New Wave, so it's one of the many styles I love.
Here's what the family guy video's based off of: It's a cool concept behind the video not my favourite though.
Here's a good one:
Last edited by oktain; 09-16-2010 at 04:35 PM.
I'm a bit confused as to what you are actually trying to say. If you are saying they (The Guess Who) weren't allowed to play American Woman in the states then I have to respectfully disagree with you again. I went to 2 of their concerts and they played American Woman both times. Why would they be restricted from playing the song (with the exception of the White House) when it was heard on every rock/pop station in the Nation?