Urban Wheelin'!
At least you picked a user name with that new skewl slang yo.
two tone? roof lights? PERFECT rig for some heavy snow work like that! I give you mad props for attempting as risky a move as that iced over speed bump (speed bumps alone are a class III!) but the cat in the pontiac beside you must have a damn death wish!@
listen tough guy, when pumping up things for Urban WHeeling i can't keep going with extreme parking amped speak. so i have to create new things in the pics to get pumped about.
wait, instead of checking on me, shouldn't you be coming up with your own pics
wait, instead of checking on me, shouldn't you be coming up with your own pics
damn, sounded like he called you out old skool luvr! I'll have to post some more wheelin pics in the mornin just to keep this thread goin, haha