Urban Wheelin'!
I came home from work and saw this nice pile of snow in front of the house so I decided to conquer it. That is the first shot, I saw I still could go a little higher up so I went up till it started to sink in and I decided to jump out and take 2 more quick shots. Oh yeah then my wife called me a fool for parking like that in front of the house. I think she is just jeleouse because her Envoy XL probably cant do that. Reason why I say probably is because she wont let me try... I have not tried...YET.
don't you hate that moment of feeling, "oh chuck it! i shoulda kept going!!", unless of course there was an even bigger obstacle in your way (like somebody's car).
great pic's Dave.
great pic's Dave.
In my defense I wouldnt have gotten stuck, but I tired to push through with only one tire on the pile...